I've been hanging on to MANY things for MANY years... and I'm starting to realize that having a house with "great storage" is actually a hinderance more than a bonus.
Since I married Chris (Aug. 2005) I have been "hanging on" to much. Why? I'm not really sure. Maybe it's hereditary..... have you seen my mom's garage?
Maybe I'm scared that I'll need something some day... or I'll meet someone that needs something that I may have.... or maybe there is value in my "things," so I better hang on to them.
Wanna hear about my collections? Stop reading if you don't.....
- "Memories" and photos and things of significance. This isn't bad... but there comes a point where you need to ask yourself if there is REALLY a need to keep everything. :)
- "Teacher Crap" (that IS a term of endearment). Since high school, I have been "collecting" teacher resources, bulletin board items, bajillions of worksheets (and I pretty much HATE worksheets), books and treasures that "might come in handy in a classroom someday." I have a single car garage that is MOSTLY full of teacher stuff. I promised myself that once I had been teaching for 5 years that I would weed through it and only keep what I was using. Well, I've been a "teacher" for 7 years.... but have only been in the same position for three of those. Just recently I have decided that I'm waaaay better off borrowing, copying and finding what I need... WHEN I NEED IT. The reality is, google does such a good job that I don't really have a need for so much of this "stuff." Yesterday I filled a garbage can with "get rid of it" stuff and a 1/2 ton truck with "donate it" stuff. I'm heading back today to purge some more. :) We are having shelves built in a 10x10 shed. THAT is the space for this "teacher stuff." Anything that doesn't fit in there has to go. Easy Peasy.
- Kids (more specifically, boys).... Have you noticed that Chris and I have quite the collection? ;) Aren't they handsome?
- Clothing: Kids clothing, my clothing, things that "might fit again" (although we all know that it would be so out of style by the time that ever happened). I'm also getting rid of a lot of this stuff.
- Pounds.... YIKES.... maybe you haven't noticed (yeah right). Over the years I have become really good at packing on the pounds. I'm hoping to de-clutter in the weight area too... enough is enough... I want the old Melanie back. :(
- Office Supplies: those of you that get your kicks at Staples would understand.... the rest of you just won't... it's ok.
- Books. Seriously, if I had a dollar for every book that I have because I thought I would (or should) read it someday I would be a MAJILLIONAIRE. Time to sort through, purge, and stop collecting. My Children's Book collection is even more of a problem. YIKES!
- Friends... I collect friends.... old and young... near and far. And I am NOT de-cluttering this one.
Truth is, I probably could have made this list waaaaaay longer.... but then I'd be hoarding your time... and that wouldn't be cool. :) So I'll stop.
Make a comment... tell me what you have been holding on to and why. I'm dying to know if I'm alone in my collections.
Awwww. I love that I maden appearance in your friends. I agree you do have quite a collection of those! I collect kids clothes and books too! I probably have 12-15 of kim and my boy clothes stored and it causes me anxiety that you are de-cluttering that area. I must admit i hoard cook books and food. You know both of those though! Love you
ReplyDeleteI can see where you are coming from. When I finally got to an age where I feel I will NOT need these things again in my lifetime, out they went. My de-cluttering is coming along well.....although I have made some very difficult decisions. Congrats on your mission!!